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Welcome & Framework

We are pleased to welcome and invite you to register and actively participate in the International Meeting Integrated Risk Management in Museums. Past Lessons, Future Ways, to be held online, through Zoom Platform, on June 27th and 28th 2022.


This meeting is organized by the Research & Development Unit CITCEM - Center for Transdisciplinary Research «Culture, Space and Memory» and by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto, Portugal, within the framework of different thematic lines of research and groups dedicated to the preservation and legacy of cultural heritage, by different agents, strategies and in different contexts.


For this meeting, the context we are most interested in focusing on is of museums. Therefore, and aware of the importance of its meaning, we are very recognized for the support of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), more specifically that of ICOM Europe and ICOM Portugal.


Facing times of change, museums reflect and discuss how to dynamically adapt and evolve, considering their role in resilience, development, sustainability and quality of life of the twenty-first century society. 


Despite risk management being in the order of the day for several years, especially due to the climate crisis, unfortunately not accepted by everyone, different sectors of the society embrace it at different times and with different perspectives. Tendentially, museums, and globally the cultural sector, don’t lead the race, almost always full of obstacles.


The lack of strategic political investment in the sector is, globally, the biggest obstacle, despite the dynamics of academia and professional associations, the dedication and effort on the part of human resources in their education and training and in the development/capture of research applied to the context. Many and very serious losses to cultural heritage have been recorded, with also very serious negative effects for society.


Managing risk in museums is a cha(lle)nging process, especially when the perspective we defend is that of an integrated management, and not compartmentalized as is so often observed, which has to attend to the diversity of contexts and their specificities and to integrate different agents and competences.


However, much has been learned from past mistakes, ours and others, knowing other realities, gaining new sensitivities and adopting new ways of thinking and proceeding. Inclusive and diverse teams enhance better results. Sharing experiences and discussing their results, both good and not so good, in an friendly environment, are crucial for joint learning, scientific enrichment and for more informed and sustained decision-making. This is what we intend to promote.


Since English became an international language, it will be the official language of the meeting, accepting the risk of losing, only temporarily, the right to language, one of the first distinctive elements of cultural identity, in favor of international communication. Assuming an interdisciplinary character, we aim and expect that it will strengthen the international cooperation bonds between professional, scientific and educational communities and provide a platform for sharing experiences and knowledge.


We would like it to also be an opportunity, in the future, to conciliate the scientific experience with the pleasure of some leisure in Porto, a city considered the happiest in Europe 2014 by Erasmus Student Network, according to a study by the Rheingold Institute of Germany, in partnership with Smart. An opportunity to get to know and explore its World Heritage Historical Centre, its museums, monuments, historic and most emblematic places and traditions and relax at the Ribeira, letting your gaze wander over the Douro River.


Hoping to see you soon,

The Scientific and the Organizing and Executive Committees of the International Meeting Integrated Risk Management in Museums. Past Lessons, Future Ways.

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